In the 45 years that Tasman Aluminium has been in business, we have never been so busy! The Covid Climate combined with many New Zealanders returning home permanently has created an unprecedented demand for housing, especially in the popular Bay of Plenty. This demand has resulted in a huge increase in the sale of aluminium joinery and as a result Tasman Aluminium is at full capacity. This has caused us to make the tough decision of not taking on new residential home owner work for the foreseeable future. This will allow us to maintain our level of service to our regular clients and ensure our windows and doors are produced at the highest quality.
This is not a decision that we have made lightly but it is an essential one. By being clear and transparent about the work we are able to do, we will be able to manage the workload and stress levels of our team and we will not be making service promises that we can’t meet.
We will let local home owners know as soon as possible, when we are able to resume providing windows and doors to new clients. In the meantime we will continue to offer advise on maintaining aluminium joinery and inspiration for future projects.