Our Story
For over 40 years Tasman Aluminium has been manufacturing and supplying aluminium windows and doors to Bay of Plenty and Waikato home owners and builders.
From new residential homes to bespoke architectural buildings, Tasman Aluminium has the experience and knowledge to bring your vision to life. Let us help you find the best solution for your aluminium windows and doors

Latest Innovations
Check out our latest high performance thermal technology designed to meet and exceed the new NZ Building Code.
XR Edge Spacer
Aeonox Powdercoat
Solace Low E Glass
Residential & Commercial
Exceptional aluminium windows and doors that fit right in with your home or commercial space.
Residential Windows & Doors
Architectural & Commercial Joinery
Got a Project in Mind?

Case Studies
At Tasman Aluminium we are proud of the projects we have been involved with.
Browse our most recent projects for inspiration and ideas.
Hamilton Home
Builder: Sentinel Homes Waikato
Parton Road Business Hub
Tauranga Home
Explore your options
Peronalise your new home with the right products for your lifestyle. From colourful entry doors to thermal efficient glass, beautiful hardware, to super tough powdercoat. The choice is yours.